在南非的野生动物园里 英语,非洲野生动物分布图

 admin   2024-05-10 07:00   8 人阅读  0 条评论

发现.音乐案 动物园【zoo】 音标 [zu] 列句 1.He took his son Christopher to the zoo. 他带着儿子克里斯托弗去了动物园。 2. To me the only justification for a zoo is educational . 对我

猫咪吃骨头便血案 We saw elephants from South Africa, koala from Australia and pandas from Sichuan in the zoo. We also took a lot of photos. We had a great time.

济南至桃村的火车站案 在南非有许多野生动物园。猎人给动物园捕捉野兽。通向动物园的路由这儿拐弯。去动物园是走这条路吗?汤姆去动物园看猴子了。动物园是一个花费极大的机构。动物园

武汉宝丰宾馆有限公司案 Sunday, sunny It was Sunday today and it was a fine day.My American penfriend David and I went to the zoo.When we got there,we saw many people there.Some were

母猫七个月可以生育案 Today is sunny, I led my American pen pal David to visit the zoo. The zoo, there are a lot of people. Some are looking at animals, in some cases, take photographs, some in

健身 上半身案 Open Range Zoo 维多利亚野生动物园(Victoria`s Open Range Zoo)

广场舞无奈的守候go to South Africa to see the wild animal.(你没给主语和时态,所以我没用主语和时态)

金属材质报告案 wild animal zoo

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